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Cheesekids for Humanity News

Introducing our Cheesekit!

Posted on 02 Feb 2011 / Tags: vocational guidance, cheesekit, cheesekids
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Cheesekit Programme

Cheesekids launches its long-awaited vocational guidance programme...

So you remember how it was that first day at varsity, shongololoring queues everywhere and you didn't know where to go next, or worst where to go first coz you hadn't really, really decided what you'd like to study... or if you did you didn't know that it meant you had to take the worst course in the world with the worst lecturer that had the worst heart condition ever - it just wasn't there. Thank goodness for that senior or better yet that switched on class mate that had read all the documents that the University sent. Dju recall that? Or maybe you recall the first person to befriend you on your first day in your first job? Yeah, that Superhero that showed you the ropes and kept you from pressing the self-destruct button, remember them? Before they became jealous of your success and started plotting against you. LMBO.

Anyhow, It's funny that Superhero thing; something so big and scary can be made so simple by us grabbing someone's hand. And this is how we repay them, everyone who's held out a hand to us, we pay it forward.

The skinny is that every last Saturday of the month a couple of us cheesekids go out to a high school and share stories of what made us us; thereby grabbing someone's hand before they even begin to wander.

Everyone will speak on a their choice of set topic be it education and further training, picking a career, take care of one's finances, looking after one's own health, managing conflict, utilising technology, finding employment, selling, presenting one's self and of course matters of the heart.The settings will be fairly intimate with no more than 60 people hanging around any particular speaker, so you'll be encouraged to speak from the heart and share your personal experiences. 
Once registered, you will only be required to speak on one Saturday this year, but you can speak at as many as you like as we will be revolving the areas. Each day out will be an entire day (9am - 4pm) but rest assured the fullfilment will more than make up for it. In Cheesekids' style we'll head out to a Cheese-n-nyama to close off each Cheesekit workshop.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, then simple shoot a mail to [email protected] to register. We will send you an info pack and request some of your details for our records.

Simple and painless neh? Then all you'll have to do is show up on the day/s allocated with a story of your life in mind.

That said, remember Mos Def's refrain "memories don't live like people do... they always remember you"; well with the Cheesekit they'll be a foundation for a beautiful future and what more could we ask of the neh?

Love, Excellence & Mo' Cheese!

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