Cheesekids News
Cheesekids over the moon with overwhelming support of partners and sponsors wrt Cheesekids on Mandela Day initiative, this coming Sunday 18th July 2010; which will afford hundreds of young people in Johannesburg the opportunity to respectively spend 67 minutes in the service of their broader communities.
Mandela Day Memories (2009)
About a year ago we celebrated the inaugural Mandela Day with an over-whelming over-subscription of Cheeses. Remember? If not, maybe this review will jog your memory. We're excited at the story we will write this year.
Mandela Day 2010
So it's that time of year again when we celebrate the birth and life of contribution of one of the fathers of our nation, Mr Nelson Mandela. As we did last year, we going to join hands with the rest of the world in celebrating Mandela Day, a day devoted to giving back within our communities.
Dreamstation - Our Brand Campaign Agency
Heita! As you may have noticed, we have gotten a bit of a facelift! We realised that we needed an identity that puts Cheesekids out there. Our new look is meant to make us look the part and encourage others to join us so we can make the circle bigger!

- No events listed, please check back later or contact us.

Its one day in a year

its inspiring to know that I'm part of a generation that is taking a stand and making a difference h....

Hey people, this is a wondeful initiative and I support it 100%! My main concern is, why do we have ....