Painting the Amazing Grace kiddies play area
2011.08.20Join us as we spruce up the outside Kiddies play area at Amazing Grace (Children's Home) in Kibler Park, by treating it to a splash of paint. The school children there are in need of white and yellow school shirts, and the younger onesĀ could do with someĀ educational toys and books for the day care centre. Any of these donations would be greatly appreciated.
We meet up at Grayston Shopping Centre (cnr Grayston drive & Helen rd), at 9:00am and should return by 3:30pm. Don't forget your R60 for food.
See you on saturday!

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"The Only Limitz That Exist are The Onez in Your Mind."

i cant wait to get started

i'm sooo looking forward to spring colours! goodbye WInTER!!!

was a wonderful day