A Tale of 5 Homes...
If you're wondering whom the 5 houses you're going to help us build on 10th March 2012 are going to, then read on to find out just how much of a difference you'll be making...
The Jeziles
Above is Nomathandazo Jezile with two of her three children Sivuyisiwe (21) and Yonela (15) standing infront of their 2 roomed shack.
Nomthandazo (55) works as a domestic worker in Constantia and the children are all at school: Sivuyisiwe is in grade 12 at Bardale High School, Yonela is in grade 10 at Manzomthombo High School and Luvo (9) in grade 1 at Nyameko primary school. All the schools are in walking distance from home.
The living conditions are not the best as there is not enough space in the shack and when it rains water come through the door and at night time and mostly weekends drunk people would throw something against the shack or hit the shack with something and they would wake up because of the noise. They are looking forward to living in a decent home without worrying about the cold, rain or drunk passer-by’s. And the great welcome of having water and toilet facilities in-house.
The Ntozinis
This is the shack that Amos Sifiso Ntozini(33) his wife, Bongiswa Mahlathi (30), and their 2 children: Ande Oyinthanda Mahlathi (18 months) and Qaphelani Mahlathi (4), call home.
Amos currently works in construction as a general worker. Bongiswa on the other hand is unemployed. The children attend crèche in Mfuleni.
Amos and Bongiswa cannot provide much worldly possessions to their children, they do however want to leave a legacy of education with them, so they would be able to have a better life one day.
The family live in a 3 roomed shack and say their conditions are unacceptable to bear especially for the children. They are challenged with conditions that affect the family’s health and safety and look forward to the day when they do not have to worry about these challenges.
They are thankful that soon their dream would be a reality!
The Tshefus
Nontombi Lillian Tshefu (62) has two children Ayanda (38) (above) and Nosicelo (25), who work for Plascon Parthenon Paints and study 2nd year of Marketing studies at Northlink College respectively.
Their shack leaks when it rains and the rain even comes through the doors. They have been staying at the present address since 2006 and were previously staying in Khayelitsha Greenpoint area for 3 years, where they were relocated because of flooding.
The children are both looking forward to living in a decent home, without having to worry about leaking roofs and having to go outside at night when needing to use a toilet.
Mzwandile Tayisile Mdwayi (51) has been working at a motor spares business in Salt River for the last 5 years.
He lives alone, but often has over his 16 year old daughter who lives with her mother in Makhaza and is attending school in Khayelitsha doing Grade 8.
His is not a warm home to visit though, his shack leaks a lot when it rains during winter and the sand comes through when it is windy. The rusty shack is not safe anymore as it is rusted. He has been staying under these conditions since 2003 and previously stayed in Khayelitsha Green Point area for 8 years.
He is looking forward to staying in a decent home, with an inside toilet and a kitchen sink, and being protected from the weather and criminal elements.
The Mzilakazis
When Mnyamezeli Mzilikazi's (29) father Lungile Mzilikazi(59) passed on, he inheritad the plot and house allocation that his family had been waiting on for nearly a decade. He also took on the responsibility of making sure his younger brother, Sininko is cared and seen to.
This family sees their new home as a life-long investment and cannot wait to start their new life in their home. Mnyamezeli works in Blackheath as a general worker for Louw Steel. He enjoys what he does but does admit that he would love more of a challenge.
The Mzilikazi brothers have been living in Mfuleni for 7 years and in Bardale for 3 years before moving to Mfuleni. They have lived in sub-standard housing for their entire lives and look forward to living in a decent home, where they do not fear being electrocuted or being burgled.
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