Talk in Action
Posted on 12 May 2013 / Tags: truth and reconciliation, mandela, south africa, progress, citizen, community, forgiveness, communication, exchange, conversation, face to face, belly button to belly button, jerseys, buttons, sewing, talking, culture, learning, forward / Comments()

I have an idea and I am looking for other people to come on board. It is for an event on a provincial and possible national scale and would be ongoing and we will need a few people to get it going. We would need to pick a date but to aim for the 24th July would work as the idea of meaningful exchange as something to do and aspire to all the time. It would be to donate jerseys to those less fortunate to keep warm in winter. It's a donate affair with a difference as it also offers the opportunity to exchange meaningfully with the person being donated to. The main idea is that donators bring one button up jersey for themselves and one to donate. Everyone takes the buttons off their jersey and selects some buttons where others have removed and donated their buttons. They receive a sewing kit and then must find a person of a different skin colour at the event to exchange with while sewing their buttons on to their jersey. The talk must be meaningful, must be about the past, our feelings, and really about what we feel about other skin colours and how we've wronged or been wronged. Raising of voices because of emotion and crying would be ok and even encouraged. Please get in touch with me if you would like to help organise this event. Maybe we could do one in the East Rand first or if you would like to do one in your area. Please tell your thoughts!!!

- No events listed, please check back later or contact us.

The joy that rose my heart. Seeing everyone from snobby to average